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Support Groups

Anglican Church Women (ACW)

The purpose of the ACW is to provide an opportunity for all women to be united in a fellowship of worship, learning and offering with a view to deepen and strengthen their devotional life, as well as to make all women in the Diocese aware of the total mission of the Church and to lead them into fuller Christian service.


Find out more about the St. Lawrence ACW group here!

Men's Service Club
Senior Choir

The Senior Choir leads in the music at the 10:30 am services each week through the singing of hymns as well as anthems during Communion. It also prepares anthems to sing at special times during the church year.


The Senior Choir meets for practice on Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. New members are always welcome! For more information, contact our Music Director,

Rev'd Bob Earle.

Servers and Acolytes

Servers assist with our Sunday Liturgy. They light candles, put numbers on the hymn board, and assist the Priest and Deacon in preparing for Holy Eucharist. We are always recruiting new servers! If you would like to help, contact the rector.


St Lawrence Anglican

709 895-2215


1824A Portugal Cove Rd

Portugal Cove-St Philip's, NL

A1M 2N2

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